NEW! Copper Calico Platy

NEW! Copper Calico Platy: 3-4cm – $7.50 each– $15/pair One of my premium A-grade Platy strains I’m currently working with. A new colour strain of Platy that I’ve created over the past couple of years. They have a unique shiny copper front half that fades into a black tail and dorsal which I find looksContinue reading “NEW! Copper Calico Platy”

Red Tuxedo Endlers

More ready May-June”24. 2.5-3cm – $15 a pair – 3 pairs for $40 Endlers Livebearer ~ Poecilia wingeiOrigin: Venezuela, South AmericaCare Level: EasyMaximum Size: 4.5 cm with males being smallerMinimum Tank Size: 30 + Litres Water Conditions: 5.5-8.0 pH and Soft to Moderately Hard waterTemperature: 18-29 °C WHAT ARE ENDLERS?– Endlers are just like aContinue reading “Red Tuxedo Endlers”

Corydoras panda

Ready July/August”24.My first spawn has produced 10 fry which have just hatched at the start of April”24 so will be ready in around 3-4 months. Hopefully I’ll get a few more spawns through out the year and have some more on the go soon. < Back to Current Stock

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